Georgia Aids Coalition 2021 Virtual Symposium

Save The Date!
GAC Virtual Symposium
Friday, March 19, 2021

Registration Now Open

The Georgia AIDS Coalition is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) Georgia corporation created in 1989 to act as an education resource for the formation and articulation of public policy regarding HIV infection, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, and sexually transmitted infections.

The Georgia AIDS Coalition is excited to announce a 2021 Virtual Symposium to provide an educational program providing education for Physicians, Nurses, Social Workers, Educators, and the HIV Community. Mark your calendars for Friday, March 19, 2021. Additional information will be posted on the GAC website for your review. Visit www.

Symposium Presentation

HIV Healthcare Disparities
presented by
Patrice Harris, MD, MA

Immediate Past President and Board of Trustees
American Medical Association

Additional Topics:

· National HIV Strategy

· Intimate Partner Violence

· Addressing Stigma

· Future of HIV: Ending the Epidemic

The Symposium is offering 4 CME and/or CE credit hours for the Live and On Demand Sessions!